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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Understanding your critics criticism

 Understanding Your Critics Criticism


Today I just want to speak on how important it is to understand your criticism. I am truly guilty of taking constructive criticism personal, and I'm sure we have all been at some point. Although constructive criticism can be helpful it is always ideal to identify the source in which it is coming from. Meaning be able to distinguish which is which. I personally wouldn't take any advice from someone I didn't see worthy, in other words I would not expect someone who has never operated a successful business to critique me on how to be successful in running one. Normally we seek out the experts for this. So to get criticism from someone who has traveled your paths and is fully aware of what lies ahead is truly an honor. Whereas receiving criticism from someone other than the latter would almost come across as hating. I know, I know, that the term is used rather loosely these days and it can be taken out of context, we often give anyone with an opinion outside of our own this title; but at any rate moral of the story is pay more attention to the message rather than the messenger. Learn how to filter, take what you need and discard the rest.


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